Welcome to the PacMOSSI Operational Research Grants information and application page.
The 2022-2023 rounds of Operational Research Grants are completed and closed. There will be future grant opportunities and information will be made available on this page.
Information about grant eligibility, the application process, and application assessment.
The PacMOSSI Operational Research Small Grant Scheme aims are to:
Funding Duration
- Up to 12 months.
Grant Value
‘Kick-starter grants’ of up to AUD10,000 to support small-scale operational research projects lead by a Pacific Island ministry of health staff member.
And larger ‘substantial grants’ of up to AUD25,000 to support individuals or research teams that plan to undertake more extensive operational research investigations.
To be eligible for a 'kick-starter grant':
To be eligible for a 'substantial grant':
Useful Resources
Information about the grant, eligibility and the application process PacMOSSI OR Grants_Information and guide for applicants
MS Word version of the grant application PacMOSSI OR Grant_Application
MS Excel budget planning tool PacMOSSI OR Grant_Budgeting tool
Before you submit an application
Make sure you:
- Read and comply with the conditions outlined in the grant guidelines
- Liaise with the ministry of health and obtain a letter of support
- Ensure your application is complete and correct