Operations Research.

Local information is required to guide informed strategic planning
and implementation for mosquito surveillance and control. Operations research is a practical type of research that aims
to systematically generate data-driven insight that inform 
better policy and program decisions.

The PacMOSSI consortium initiated a small research grant scheme to support Pacific Island Countries to improve capacity for operations research.

Research for informed mosquito surveillance & control.

by supporting countries to develop & implement
operational research projects
in response to locally-identified operational & implementation challenges
Build andshare
related to the surveillance & control of
mosquitoes in the Pacific

PacMOSSI achievements.

The PacMOSSI consortium has supported 10 countries including with a multi-country operations research project so far. Projects have been designed
to answer practical questions including:
  • How best do we engage with communities in the delivery of dengue risk messages?
  • Can artificial intelligence support mosquito identification?
  • Are commonly used insecticides effective?

PacMOSSI future activities.

A call will be made soon for new proposals that respond to a clear operational challenge faced by one or more Pacific Island Countries in delivering their mosquito-borne disease
surveillance and control programs.

Get involved.

Contact us

If you work in vector surveillance and control in the Pacific and are interested in learning more about being a mentee or mentor
in the PacMOSSI Mentoring Program, please get in touch with us through our contact page or at pacmossi@jcu.edu.au

Contact us

Learn more.

See online course

The PacMOSSI operational research module in the online course provides an opportunity for further learning. This interactive module will step you through the process and help you develop your own operations research plan. The course will take 2 to 3 hours and can be done at your own pace.

See online course