PacMOSSI face to face training - Vector Surveillance and Mosquito Identification

Meeting date: 27th to 31st March 2023 Venue: Nadi, Fiji Contact:

PacMOSSI conducted a workshop: “Mosquito trapping, Specimen preparation and Species identification” at the Nalagi Hotel in Nadi, Fiji.

The training included:

  1. Adult trapping in urban and peri-urban habitats using a variety of traps (e.g. BG Sentinel traps, oviposition traps, EVS or CDC light traps, etc).
  2. Processing trapped mosquitoes (collection, preservation, or maintenance until adult)
  3. Using morphological keys to identify mosquitoes to species or species group.


Agenda: The final agenda is available here

Presentations: Copy of the presentations can be viewed here